Safety Always
Everything Else Follows
Safety and quality are two of our most important core values and guide everything we do at Asplundh Engineering Services. We employ the fundamentals of Human Performance (HP) training and performance improvement techniques throughout the Asplundh family of companies. We use HP as both a safety initiative and a way of managing the business.
We believe that Safety and Production go together.

Our employees are trained in Human Performance (HP) techniques that seek to improve the safety of our employees and technicians, as well as the quality of our deliverables. Our designs are developed with a focus on “Safe Constructability”, and our construction managers are experienced field personnel overseeing safety and quality of the construction.
We employ such HP techniques as:
- Self-checks
- Peer checks
- Questioning attitudes
- Effective three-part communications

HP principals build trust, which in turn, fosters free information flow between and among all levels of the organization and our customers. This significantly improves the safety and quality of everything we do. AES boasts an exceptional Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR), and Experience Modification Rate (EMR), and we ranked among the lowest in the industry across all disciplines.
The AES family of companies supports electric, gas, renewable energy and telecom infrastructure to maintain essential services for our customers and communities. It’s important work that helps ensure the safe and reliable delivery of the utility services we all increasingly depend on for quality of life.
Standards, Certifications and Memberships:
- Our safety and health management program is in accordance with ISO 45001. This ISO standard is the world’s international standard for occupational health and safety.
- Our Corporate Safety staff have the most sought-after certifications in the safety field: Certified Safety Professional and Certified Industrial Hygienist.
- And, we are members of the OSHA ET&D Strategic Partnership, focused on improving all aspects of safety, leadership and performance.